Curling Etiquette

Mind The Ice and Equipment 

  • Curling ice is very sensitive to dirt, contaminates and contact with your body
  • Never wear outside footwear to curl. Only clean, well maintained footwear or curling shoes should be used
  • Wear appropriate clothing that does not shed or are static prone to avoid dirt or debris falling onto the ice surface
  • Minimize hand and knee contact with the ice surface to avoid causing blemishes that may affect rock travel. Even a few seconds of contact can damage the ice!
  • Do not overthrow rocks. Throw only as hard as needed to make the shot
  • Always prevent rocks from hitting the boards, hacks or travelling onto other sheets
  • Clean your brush heads frequently during the game

Game Play

  • Start with a handshake. At the beginning of the game, greet the members of the opposing team with a handshake, tell them your name, and wish them “Good Curling”
  • Finish with a handshake. When the game is over, offer each of the players a hearty handshake and move off the ice. The winning curlers traditionally offer their counterparts some refreshments
  • Compliment good shots, no matter which team makes them. Respect your opponent
  • Always be mindful of other curlers and rocks in motion while on the ice surface
  • Be ready. Take your position in the hack as soon as your opponent has delivered his/her stone. Keep the game moving; delays detract from the sport
  • Be prepared to sweep as soon as your teammate releases the rock
  • After delivering your stone, move to the side of the sheet between the “hog “ lines, unless you are the skip. Leads and seconds are not permitted in “house” or “rings”, except when sweeping or to remove the stones after the count has been determined by the vices
  • Be courteous. Don’t distract your opponent in the hack. Sweepers should stay on the sidelines between the hog lines when not sweeping
  • Place your skip’s rock in front of the hack to help speed up the game
  • All games on the ice should run approximately the same time. Therefore, if your game is an end or two behind all other games you should pick up the pace. Each player should be ready to deliver their rock when their skip puts down the broom

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Upcoming Events

Open Mic
Fri, Apr 04, 2025: 6:30 pm
Year End Member's Banquet
Sat, Apr 05, 2025: 5:30 pm
Open Mic
Fri, May 09, 2025: 6:30 pm
Joy Reid Memorial Golf Tournament
Sat, Aug 16, 2025: 8:30 am

Our Location

Marmora & Area Curling Club
2 Crawford Dr.
P.O. Box 364
Marmora, Ontario
K0K 2M0
(613) 472-3522

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