
The Marmora and Area Curling Club has been fortunate to have received many grants over the years, starting with a Wintario grant to help establish the curling building and infrastructure in 1977-78. Over the last 40+ years, the club has received over $700,000 in grants which has been very helpful in establishing and maintaining a high quality curling environment, while still keeping the sport of curling affordable for residents from Marmora and the surrounding areas.

2024 Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant

On Sunday September 15, local MPP Ric Bresee met with the Marmora & Area Curling Club members to hear more about the $62,100 Capital grant from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation that will be used to install a comprehensive fire alarm system. The project will ensure that the community continues to have a safe and inviting facility for recreational activities and socializing. 

“I’m so appreciative that the Ontario government, through the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Gaming, is further investing in Hastings–Lennox and Addington with this Ontario Trillium Foundation grant” said Ric Breese, MPP for Hastings – Lennox and Addington. “This funding will allow the Curling Club to install a comprehensive fire safety system and enable the Marmora and Area Curling Club to welcome curlers of all ages for many years to come!”

The project involves the design, supply, installation, and programming of a Fire Alarm System including a new fire alarm panel, manual pull stations, heat detectors, smoke detectors, horns/strobes and elevator Fire Alarm devices.

"The impact of this Ontario government grant is a huge win for our Curling Club and it’s members, allowing us to install a comprehensive Fire Alarm System to meet current building code standards and is critical to our ability to continue offering affordable community access to recreational and physical activities in Marmora and the surrounding area” said Paul Lachance, President of the Marmora & Area Curling Club.”

Grant Summary 

 2024-25 Ontario Trillium Foundation: Capital Fund:

$62,100 to install a comprehensive fire alarm system ensuring that the community continues to have a safe and inviting facility for recreational activities and socializing.

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 2021-22 New Horizons for Seniors:

$25,000 for safety & security infrastructure, including an awning and handrail for the west exit, a new east stairwell handrail, and a security camera system.

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 2021-22 Ontario Trillium Foundation: Resilient Communities Fund:

$36,300 to procure equipment to support COVID-19 precautions and procedures, including air purification and dishwashing equipment, larger circular lounge tables, washable lounge chair coverings, and additional curling equipment.

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 2020-21 New Horizons for Seniors:

$24,050 for curling equipment infrastructure including header piping replacement, ducting for over-ice dehumidifier and additional ice monitoring equipment sensors.

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 2019-20 Ontario Trillium Foundation:

$145,000 grant over 5 months to renovate substandard washrooms and replace an inadequate heating and ventilation system.

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 2018-19 New Horizons for Seniors:

$25,000 for ice making and maintenance systems including an RO water system and over-ice heating improvements.

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 2015-16 Ontario Trillium Foundation &
 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program:

$162,400 over 3 months to replace aging ice making equipment and assist with capital upgrades.

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 2010-11 Ontario Trillium Foundation:

$66,800 over one year to provide accessible upgrades to the curling rink, allowing all community members barrier-free access to services and events held within the facility.

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 2009-10 Ontario Trillium Foundation:

$12,300 over one year to purchase supplies and equipment that will help increase community awareness and encourage participation in the sport of curling.

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 2006-07 Ontario Trillium Foundation:

$43,700 over one year to repair and improve ice-making equipment, ensuring the club continues to offer a well-maintained and reliable curling rink and community facility.

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 2002-03 Ontario Trillium Foundation:

$58,700 over one year to replace aging and inefficient ice-making and heating equipment.

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 1977-78 Wintario:

$102,700 contribution towards the building’s construction in 1977 & 1978.


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Upcoming Events

Mon, Mar 31, 2025
Open Mic
Fri, Apr 04, 2025: 6:30 pm
Year End Member's Banquet
Sat, Apr 05, 2025: 5:30 pm
Open Mic
Fri, May 09, 2025: 6:30 pm
Joy Reid Memorial Golf Tournament
Sat, Aug 16, 2025: 8:30 am

Our Location

Marmora & Area Curling Club
2 Crawford Dr.
P.O. Box 364
Marmora, Ontario
K0K 2M0
(613) 472-3522

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